Check your luggage for dangerous goods


Check your luggage for dangerous goods


Dangerous materials are objects or substances that are capable of creating a significant risk to your health, safety and the personal property that you carry when traveling by air.

Hazardous materials can be everyday objects: dry ice, aerosols and perfumes, bleaches, batteries, accumulators, adhesives and many other items that do not arouse our concern on a daily basis while using them.

Below you will find a list of dangerous items and substances that are prohibited or restricted on board of the aircraft. Read the detailed information by clicking on the link below.

List of dangerous items

Examples of shipments that may indicate the presence of hazardous materials:

- spare parts for cars

- camping equipment

- dental devices

- diving equipment

- electrical equipment

- pharmaceuticals


 Batteries may be carried onboard as carry-on baggage with some restrictions, and they may not be transported as checked baggage in any cases. With power banks, it depends on the size.

Whenever possible, please carry your portable electronic devices (PED) that contain lithium batteries in your carry-on baggage. For some battery types or power banks the prior approval from Royal-Star Ltd air operator.

See guidance on the carriage of portable electronic devices (PED) powered by lithium batteries such as laptops, mobile phones, tablets, e-cigarettes, smart bags or other devices with installed lithium batteries. Find out more about batteries.  


Check on the Civil Aviation Authority's website to see if the item is considered a dangerous material: here

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We have a well-trained team of pilots holding relevant licenses and IR permissions. They use English aviation phraseology.

We guarantee operational readiness for flights both inside and outside our country, in order to provide our Clients with the maximum level of safety and comfort, both on land and in the air.

We provide a wide range of transport services: business flights in the Aero-Taxi service, transport of goods, charter flights and medical flights.

We provide Clients with air transport to any destination in the best business standards, with fast, safe and comfortable travel.

We organize medical flights. We provide patients with transport by ambulance to and from the airport. Each flight is accompanied by a specialist, so that the patient is surrounded by professional medical care at all times.